All Bathing Locations in Slovenia With Good Water Quality

28. 05. 2014

All Bathing Locations in Slovenia With Good Water Quality

Those planning to spend the summer in Slovenia will be well advised to cool off in most of the country's lakes and rivers, as well as the sea. Analyses performed at all of the 48 official bathing spots showed water of good quality.

Analyses, which were performed last year, show that water sampled along Slovenia's short coastline was of excellent quality and so was the water at the half of inland bathing spots.


The best inland destinations to cool off in the summer include Nadiža river (W), parts of Kolpa river (S), Lake Bohinj (NW) and most of the nearby Lake Bled (NW), as well as the Šobec pond, located in a popular campsite near Bled.



Mateja Poje of the Environmental Agency (ARSO) said that the analyses performed last year showed that none of the bathing spots had inadequate water quality.


Apart from Slovenia, Cyprus was the only other EU member to have no inadequate-water-quality bathing spots, according to ARSO. The agency collects around 400 water samples annually to monitor water quality.


Source: The Slovenia Times

All Bathing Locations in Slovenia With Good Water Quality